How To Use LinkedIn Search Filters? On LinkedIn, primary search filters are prominently displayed at the top of your search results. To use more advanced search filters, click on the “All filters” section, found at the end of the categories list. linkedin advanced search filters There are categories of things you can search on Linkedin: people companies groups jobs schools post event products Each one of them offers basic and advanced filters. Let’s take a look at each of them in detail.
Linkedin Advanced People Search People filters Job Function Email List allow you to find and connect with specific LinkedIn members based on their profile information. You can use the following people filters: Connections: You can filter by your st, nd, or rd degree connections, or by people who are not in your network. connection of linkedin filter Connections of: Let you search into the connection of people in your network. connection of linkedin filter Follower of: Let you search the followers of people who activated creator mode follower of linkedin filter Locations.
You can filter by the country, region, or city where the person is based or has lived. location linkedin filter Current companies: You can filter by the name of the company where the person currently works. current company linkedin filter Past companies: the name of the company where the person has previously worked. past company linkedin filter Industries: You can filter by the industry sector that the person belongs. industry linkedin filter Profile language: You can filter by the language that the person has used to create their LinkedIn profile.